Universal Insurance Plc USSD Code for 3rd Party Private Motor Insurance

With the Universal Insurance Plc. USSD; we have simplified and digitized Insurance within a code. With just a press of a button on your phone, you can perform a whole lot in few minutes with ease.

Third Party Motor Insurance covers the insured’s (policy holder) legal abilities for death and bodily injuries to third parties and third-party property damage.

Motor Insurance is one of the compulsory insurance classes that anyone who owns or uses a motor vehicle on the public highway must have.


  • Property Damage limit is ₦1 million
  • Bodily Injury is unlimited

How to subscribe to USSD Code

Step 1: Dial *20065#

Step 2: Send one to Buy Policy

Step 3: Enter the Full name you want to appear on your policy certificate

Step 4: Enter your vehicle plate number

Step 5: Verify your vehicle information display on your mobile device, that is, the vehicle makes and vehicle color.

Step 6: Select your bank from the listed banks

Step 7: Wait for the Bank verification code and follow the instruction sent to you by your bank.

Step 8: Congratulation, after a successful transaction you should get a URL link of your policy certificate.

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